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Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Break

,"Shannon, let's take a roadtrip over Spring Break with the kids. Let's go somewhere amazing and fill their heads with blissful memories. We'll just get in the car all together and just start driving. YAY!"
Well, we figured the next best thing to our ambitious plan was Mr. Taco and the Zoo. Don't ask what happened to the roadtrip, I guess lack of motivation, and a plan. Nonetheless, we didn't tell the kids that Spring Break is suppose to be great. It was a break but it didn't even look like Spring, so that's exactly how we treated it. We don't get to hang out as a big group like this very often so it was fun no matter where we were going to end up.

What would Spring Break be without hanging with Kristy! Spring is in her hair:)
We used to call new adult teeth on kids squirrel teeth...but when Tré's came in we changed it to beaver. I kid you not...the beaver was all the way over chomping on a tree when Tré tried to call him in by showing him his front teeth and telling him that they were brothers....this is what happened. We were dying!!!


ENDub said...

Oh crap, that's funny stuff. Gotta love the teef.

Anonymous said...

i always love your videos! They make me feel like I am right there with you guys. You can't not love your giggle!


Anonymous said...

i always love your videos! They make me feel like I am right there with you guys. You can't not love your giggle!


Anonymous said...

i always love your videos! They make me feel like I am right there with you guys. You can't not love your giggle!
