Print Page Heaven's Eye Photography Blog: Inspire...

Friday, June 22, 2007


to influence or impel
divine influence
to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence.
To say the least, I am inspired! Shannon and I went to Seattle this weekend to meet up with Mind Castle Studios and chat about future projects together (many are top secret:) and to get to know each other. What I expected was to meet the amazing talent behind these young minds, what I didn't expect was to totally inhale inspiration (can you do that) to say the least. Their passion is a match to my own, their ideas are endless and they are fearless. You will see more of these guys in the future and they will blow your mind. (

Next on the list was to visit Lava Girl (my daughter thinks it's really her) herself...Willow. ( She summed up our visit with her in perfect words, when she looked at us with concern on her face, after an hour of shooting around her new studio, and said, "Guys, my cup runeth over right now!" She is always a breathe of fresh air with passion pouring from her soul and an energy force that is contagious! We got some REALLY fun shots from the day that I will post as I proof them and link to others blogs as they post theirs. I want to also thank my friend Kenz for showing up and shooting (for the first time ever) and adding a smashing dynamic to the day. I am honored that I have inspired her to pick up a camera. And I am lucky that I get to share my passion with another close friend and watch the growth process as she views the world differently, even for a moment. I know she is going to be amazing because she a very talented person and she has a drive in her to concuer the world, helping one person at a time. I plan on helping her in every way possible to get great at photography so she can document all the amazing things she is going to do for those in need all over the world. Speaking of talented, Ms. Inspiration (witha capitol 'I') she is...Shannon Sewell of "Shathy"
I don't even know what else to say about her that I haven't already. We had such an intense couple days traveling around meeting incredible photographers and passing energy back and forth that will feed our souls for months to come. She is another person that continues to "rock my soul" and I am honored to receive her inspiration. Thanks for another great roadtrip on our path to greatness!! You inspire me. P.S. Is that a smokin' hot picture of her, or what? I have a lot more fun ones to come from the trip. Plenty to blog for days.


Willow said...

I am at a loss for words (when does that happen)...
I always heard about someone's "passion" and how it was this or that for them. Now I understand. It literally burns inside of you. The people around you like Kathy and Shannon and Kenz make the fire inside bigger, and bigger, and bigger!! I am still high on the inspiration we shared. Kathy, your words are kind and true and you ALMOST made me cry! I love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey kathy! We had such a great time with you and shannon. I feel like we didnt even scrape the surface of your knowledge and passion about photography. We should definately meet up again :) Where are your Pig pictures? We want to see those!


Anonymous said...

Don't you ever come to Seattle and have that much fun without me again.