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Friday, December 12, 2008


My cool new hang out.....everyone's doing it!What has happened to this word, diet, in our society. I have never quite looked at this word so closely in my life. I, myself used to think of this word as a fad, a craze or temporary change. Somewhere we lost the real meaning of this word. Let me tell you what it means for me right now in my life. As I sat my kids down to define this word because it comes up a lot these day...I told them that it a word the describes the types of foods we eat in a day. The lifestyle we choose to live by putting good or bad food into our mouths. Some people have good diet habits and some bad. Well, before my diagnoses, we were the All American family on the All American diet. I have always known that I had and needed to change our diet to a healthier one. Do you want to hear my list of excuses of why I didn't...rhetorical question because I will tell you them:) I have 3 small children that don't eat a lot of variety. We have an on-the-go lifestyle. Healthy food doesn't taste as good. I am a "meat and potatoes" kind of girl. The one I never had the balls to say was, that I was scared of change! Well, change has smacked me in the face and I'm not going to sugarcoat that it's's the biggest challenge that I have come across in a long time. This isn't something that I can fall off the wagon on. When people ask me how the "diet" is going...I tell them, that it is a lifestyle change it's going in the right direction finally. I'm not writing this because I want the whole world to change right now because I know for a fact that nothing else would have kick started me into a healthier life besides MS. It isn't the easier route and I am having to take babysteps....but there is no turning back because my #1 excuse of having 3 small children and not being able to do it, has now become my #1 excuse for the change. There is no one manual that I am following. I have put myself back into school (metaphorically), finding my new teextbooks to take notes from, picking my professors and just trying to do my very best. Try not to wait for a wake-up something on that "I have" to do list...move it to the "I want" to do list! Why don't we look at food like addictions? If you can't take it out of your diet and there is no nutritional value, doesn't that sound like an addcition? I have had no problem taking all sorts of bad stuff begins the challenge of learing to cook all over again. The pantry is bare and there are grains, nuts and berries staring me in the face.


wrecklessgirl said...

oooo, one of my favorite subject matters. tia and i were talking about it for HOURS last night. our bodies in relation to our health. how we are all different in this regard: we can group people together and label them "hypothyroidic" or "diabetic" or "hypoglycemic" or "MS'ic" "anorexic" or "average" -- but REGARDLESS of body-type or tendency, the healthiest way to achieve good nutrition and energy and strength and resilience and sexiness ;)-- is about finding balance by gradually eliminating the shitfoods and that enter our systems, and embracing the food that provides the "gasoline" and "lube" to efficiently run our complicated nourish it as a whole, right down to the cell, which has it's own complicated system to keep itself thriving.

i'd also like the throw in that if one is addicted to say, coffee, then one should be fully allowed to drink as much as he/she would like. in jesus' name, amen.


Shannon Sewell said...

and eat chocolate lava cake- hallelujah/amen too! (especially if you're celebrating a grandiose event involving barbells 'n stuff)


Amy said...

I love it.....your gut is going to HATE crap food....and it's all good lady! Let's make that famous bean soup of Bino's soon! And the beer barley one as well! I will give it a go first or we could cook it together!? That would be much fun! Thanks again for the amazing loft session today! I am your sponge.......xoxo

Unknown said...

Good for you Kathy! Your words speak LOUDLY to me! Before kids I was insanely health conscious...and now...chicken nuggets and tater-tots seriously? lol. This topic is one that weighs heavily on me. Eat to live, isn't that what we should think? Thanks for your words. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Heather