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Thursday, July 12, 2007


Some of you may not know that I have a total thing for hands. I love everything about them and I think that they are like snowflakes...there are no two people in this world that have identical hands. I think that I could pick out my family's hands in a crowd of a thousand because I ave studied them so much. Hands show when we have had a hard life, they are elegant in some cases, tired in others, and down right beautiful when it comes to my Mom and sisters hands. I was sitting here at my parents house tonight with my mystery guest and I knew that his wife reads my blog all the time. I thought I would call a blog stalker out tonight by putting her husband's hands all over my blog. Everyone wanted me to take a picture of his and put it on the blog to shock her, but I couldn't think of a creative one...then it came to me when I saw his ring. He is a very creative jewelry designer and his rings both have beautiful love stories behind them. It made my Zales ring seem meaningless when I heard all that went into the creation of their wedding rings. So here's to my mystery guests hands and the stories that his hands hold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a surprise! Love the picture and missing those hands that are currently visiting Uncle Wayne. akliana