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Saturday, November 3, 2007

What in the world...

are we doing with Sara France? After the workshop Sara offered for Shannon and I to have a slumber party with her at her place. I was excited because I was staying an extra day to chill in San Diego and this way I had a tour guide. I was also fortunate enough to see my very good friend Shyla (blog). She drove 3 hours to see me after she just got off the airplane from New York. What a trooper and it meant the world to me. What else do you do in San Diego except try on wigs at a wig shop. I was looking for a Amy Winehouse hive and instead Shannon and Sara found new hairstyles to try out. The next night Shannon took off and The three of us (Sara, Shyla and me) went out to my first ever, Sushi night at RA (to die for)! Then we went out to a night club and danced the night away...oh and looked at slutty outfits that people were wearing for Halloween. I had a ton of fun and thank you Shyla for being a trooper..I know you were so tired. Sara, thank you for being the perfect host and letting me be a part of your beautiful world. It was so awesome to go through the workshop with you and to get to know you.
Safety first...had to put protection on before she tried on wigs. This is the hairstyle that was the favorite to emulate the color. I think Shannon should try these colors out.

Sara's dog, Bodie, was hysterical. She opened up the sun roof on the way to the airport and I thought he would just stick his nose out. He sticks his whole head out and flips his hair around like he is some sort of Greek God.
This is him coming back down with his hair all frazzled. Shannon swears that he is a cat trapped in a dog body because all he did was lie around like a feline while we were there.
A fun time was had by all and I am sure that you'll meet both of their alter egos soon that they developed while trying on new styles:)


Sara France Photography said...

You are so sweet! Love the pics and it was SO GREAT to have you at my place for a couple days! I miss you! Come back! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww looks like you guys had so much fun! Glad that you were able to spend another day in SD and having a good time! ;)

F.E. Castleberry said...
