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Monday, April 20, 2009


Foolish thinking this morning. I felt like a might have a bad day because my mood was just off. I got an e-mail from Heidi and Dave who are in Colorado. Heidi was asked to speak at a "Lie Down" at the State capitol. WOW...what a powerful moment the day must hold. Here I am walking around in the beautiful sunshine, finding something to complain about. In Colorado, all they can think about today is all the loss that happened 10 years ago and it still feels like it happened yesterday. My thoughts are with Columbine today and my prayers go out to all those still mending their hearts from all the loss. I will never forget them, and I hope this reminds all of you out there.

Remember the boy hanging out of the window on the live coverage? Dawn Anna is one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. Because of her loss of her daughter Lauren, each day when I drop Jalena off at school, we give each other the sign for "I Love You". Just as Dawn Anna and Lauren did on that horrific day. We can't ignore what happened because it could happen in any one of our schools on any given day. I don't mean this to bring the fear into our lives, just to open our eyes.This shot was taken on the day of the memorial!


Shannon Sewell said...

beautiful images... prayers & thoughts out to Heidi...


Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

i wont forget :) and i think im noticing a trend with you.. last monday you were having an off day as well.. and alot of people, including myself, have a hard time on mondays.. according to studies monday is the most depressing day. anyways your not alone :) happy day!