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Friday, April 17, 2009

Choose Civility

I saw this woman on the news the other night and I didn't watch her performance until this morning when a friend sent me the link. I know I wanted everyone to laugh yesterday and be filled with joy. But today I would love for everyone to cry with me and be filled with joy. Go watch this youtube and cry your eyes out with the biggest smile on your face. Go see how absolutely stupid we all look when we are so quick to judge, and are forced to swallow our judgmental, pride. Go see someone today without putting them in a box after labeling them and then forgetting about them. Choose civility today...we can't possibly know someone's story just by the cover!

1 comment:

Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

Holy Goosebumps! wow! that was amazing! liberates ones stereotypes.. thats for sure!
