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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Self Expression

When I was a little girl I remember begging my mom for the latest trends for hair. She let me highlight, perm (why?), and even cut really short. Well, why was it so hard to let my daughter cut her hair. I knew it would make her look older and I also knew that it was her wanting to express herself. I knew I needed to let her do it, but that didn't make it any easier. It's a day I won't ever forget:) It was Mom's day at school so we got to snuggle and sing songs together, all the while glowing because she was proud to have me with her (best feeling in the world!)
Then it was off to the hair salon to gussy up! She had trouble sleeping the night before. She had an excited giggle going all morning and she could hardly stand another second until she got to get her hair chopped off. There is something about the picture below that says it all for me. There is something in her eyes that is telling me that it's time to start letting her grow up and that it is going to be o.k. but not easy. I am totally tearing up even as I write this!
And the first cut! I think it was about 6 or 7 inches!
Once she saw the first cut, there was a perma grin on her face that could light up any room. She was so excited and proud:) This takes me right back to the moment I got my ears pierced. I wonder when and if we get this same feeling as adults?
Still giggling...thinking about showing Daddy and the boys at home. She said that Tré was going to love it, but that he was going to be shocked.
Are you dying! So old, I know.

The best moment was when she got home and she couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror and she says to me, "Mom, I just feel so cute!" I probably got a little too deep when I replied with, "remember that feeling Lou, remember that it is all about how you feel on the inside and that you are so beautiful because you are you." I also thought it was a bit dramatic with the tears but I couldn't help it. She just giggled and bounced across the room swishing her hair back and forth. Oh, what a day!


Anonymous said...

She's so beautiful :)

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

You're right. I'm dyin' over here. I wish I could squeeze her RIGHT NOW. What an absolute doll. Lock her up!

Willow said...

love the looking down one...i was about her age when i got to get my hair cut short. it feels good! and it feels good now too! :) she's becoming her own person, how great is that? and she has you to show her how to be her own person and how to be a good person...yay!

Anonymous said...

ohmigod. this is so sweet and sad, in a way...mostly because i know how i will feel myself in your position. don't know what the equivalent is with boys...i'm o.k. with them coloring/cutting their hair, even the ear piercing (i'm a punk rocker at heart!). someone was talking about their son going to prom the other day. i think that will be the one that gets me.

girls - i think there's a reason i didn't have them. how do you do it?!??! --janice

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

I had to come back and read/look all over again. This time, I was over the hair cut shock factor and only paying attention to what you are saying. Thanks for making me cry. :) The statement that a haircut can make is pretty amazing...

Anonymous said...

so chic! Love it! tell Jalena that she is awesome!


Shannon Sewell said...

you make it sound like doing this is okay!!!??? :0

kidding... i know how hard this was on you but really... i simply adore it and i think she looks so cute. so grown-up, but so, so cute ;)

now you keep her away from emmy before she starts getting any crazy ideas! ;)

ENDub said...

Okay, I was dying for a new post, and this quenched my thirst. My goodness, I'm so not ready for the "letting them grow up" stage. She looks so beautiful. What an incredible day.

Anonymous said...

Oh my word...I always feel a little silly when I comment on your blog Kathy. I just love to check it out every now and then! Well this post made me cry right from the start! I've been really emotionally today, Lacee came home from preschool with a cute little certificate that said "I'm almost a kindergartner now!" YIKES, the tears welled up right then. Jalena is beautiful and she is so so stinking cute with that new do!! Good Job to Mom for letting her do it! I am gonna start praying Lacee doesn't ask for that anytime soon, I'm just trying to get by with the whole 5 year old thing! Thanks for sharing!

*I still can't believe it! They grow so fast!!!

wrecklessgirl said...

this story gave me a really big smile in my heart. <3k.

Lindsay said...

i love this, it totally made my day!

Kenz said...

OMG She cute her hair!!!!!! She looks so old and grown up! Wow we really need to get together more often!