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Thursday, May 29, 2008

In Love

"You will find as you look back on your life that the moments that stand above everything else are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love." Henry Drummond
I guess that's why I love photography so much. Each shoot is done out of love and passion for life and the photos help me remember the moments that stand out the most to me. It's interesting that this is the image that my children will remember most about me....a camera always in their picture:)
I was sitting here going through my quote book about passion and I wanted to write something about sharing my enthusiasm...well, low and behold, I found a quote from another great mind (comparable to mine) from Mr. Bill Gates:) "What I do best is share my enthusiasm." How is that for taking the words right out of my mouth! Here's to spreading the enthusiastic word and finding that passion in your life, or appreciating the passion you have already found.

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