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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Oldies But Goodies!

Just digging into some of my favorite past shots. These are a few that have so much emottion tied into them for me, that it doesn't bother me to see where I was photography-wise a few years ago. Some work that I look back on, I get hung up on the old action that I used or the fact that I didn't nail the exposure and I don't like to look at it. But, every once in a while I see an older photo that strikes a memory cord in me and I feel like I took it yesterday. This is why I do what I memory is so bad that God gave me a talent to help me remember, and a very KEEN nose to go with it (which is sometimes not a bessing so much, especially with the bad smell memories).
The one of Jalena on the car: I remember the smell of summer in this shot and Jalena, in all of her innocence, barely aware that the camera was even present.

The one of Tre and Willie's hands : it was the first time ever meeting Jake's long-lost Dad and there are many emotions tied to this shot. I do remember the smells of his cooking and the soul-glo that he put in his hair.

The one of the father and son with the hand tattoos: This was my first paid-digital gig and I remember screwing up a lot of this shoot because of the lack of exposure knowledge. I was so nervous shooting this job and I got a lot of confidence after getting this shot because it meant so much to the father and I hope one day it means the world to his son.


Anonymous said...

too much!
i was just thinking of jake's dad and his hands yesterday. i remember these shots. i love these shots. hands are such a big deal in my family. i can remember my mother and 12 of her 13 siblings sitting in my grandmother's dining room comparing hands. most of them are convinced that the perfect combination of our african and american indian ancestry can be found in our hands.
i love also the father/son profiles. i hope you get the opportunity to do one with all the boyz. that would be an awesome card...and it could be a fold out, too so that the generations truly unfold...
miss you carlisles!

Anonymous said...

Such a nice post. It all comes down to "Doing what you love" not "Forcing yourself to love what you do". I have been on both sides of that equation. Your are an inspiration to me and your sexy!!!! that allowed as a comment?