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Monday, March 23, 2009

Big Girl!

Our baby girl is getting bigger! Can you even stand it? I have to confess about a couple post ago when I talked about all the peace to my life. I think I was in the "newborn fog". I was blinded by the sleepless nights and the calming naps that I was TOTALLY at peace with a dog in my life. We are now into the terrible 2's and I want to take back that whole post. She brings little rage into my life as well:) She is totally defiant...she is stubborn...and she really pisses me off some times. I know all you long time dog owners and laughing your butts off about this, saying I told her so. Don't get me wrong...I love her...but she can be a pain. Here we come puppy school and I am praying that I don't have to start writing letter after letter to Cesar begging him to come save us from our bad parenting skills;)

This is her sister from another mother that I found with my mad, social skills:) Her name is Rav and I think she is about 9 months and Keeta is 5ish. I can't believe that she is going to be that big soon:( You can't really tell in this pic, but she is quite a bit taller then our girl. I don't even think that the kids were this far up our butts. She is all over us like flies on poop!


Shannon Sewell said...

she takes pretty pictures. that's all that matters, right?


lroah said...

You take amazing dog photos also. What a shocker. :) Hope you are feeling great!

Anonymous said...

OMG SHE IS SO BIG!!!!!!! i really want to see her!i am so so so coming the day school gets out if that is alright......
love k :) ooooooox