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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This moment!

The other night I had a new friend come over that owns a stock photography site ( she said the most profound words to me. What were they you ask? Well, I was giving my speech that changes everytime of course because it is so filled with passion...about how much I love photography and why I do it. What I want my clients to feel..what I feel...the memories...the smells...keeping it real! Well, she looks right at me and says to me..."You're living the dream." Holy crap...I have never totally looked at my life like that. I thought it was a bit over the top at first because it was coming from someone who just met me, and my life isn't everyone's cup of tea. Then I got over myself and saw that she was speaking on a much broader scale;) Of course I am living "the dream". I am able to do what I love, make money at it, and ALSO be passionate about it. I don't think people comment as much about that passion that I exude about raising my kids because it's not looked upon as a job..(or a career, rather). I AM LIVING THE DREAM:) I am living the dream of having babies and loving every minute of it, but I am also living the American dream of bringing home money doing something that doesn't feel like work. That just puts a big ol' smile on my face. Well, now I am able to capture and relive the beginning of my dream happening right before my very eyes through beautiful couples like Angie and Keegan. This is beautiful Avery that came into this world with a heart condition that put worry on her new parent's faces that could break any adults heart. She is clearly very healthy, and perfectly, perfect now! Everyone that has had a child (however God gives it to them) knows those first weeks...yes the sleepless nights and all that other stuff that isn't so easy but shouldn't be focused on. Do you remember the smell of the most pure breathe on the planet. The new skin that barely hangs on as it touches it's harsh new elements and starts to flake off. The cry that instantly melts your heart and makes you feel like you will do anything to protect them and keep them safe. I could go on forever about those first few months with each of my kids because it was the most exciting time of my life. They made me feel alive, proud and strong. And someday I hope to feel the same way about this new found passion that brings those moments back to me. But for now, I see it as a tool to capture the true dream that I am living...having a husband that I adore and healthy, loving kids that think I am the best mom EVER:) So go live the dream...your dream:)


lroah said...

Your post made me smile.

Amy said...

wow, how yummy does that baby look?? Great work! Love the bed shot!! HOT!!!

Take 5 Photography said...

Beautiful session Kathy! Love them all :-)

Shannon Sewell said...

Beautiful story, beautiful images... How lucky they are to have you on their lives to capture this time, these moments. Always love these images you get of new parents...


Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

thanks kathy. you always know how to make me tear up. don't know how to express in a "comment" how incredible your gift is to connect with people. one day when i have a better get ready for some photo shoots!!! p.s. my fave is the bed shot.