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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


  • familiarity: close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy"
  • affair: a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
  • closeness: a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on"

  • Where do you get your intimacy? So often couples define intimacy with sex. I have been thinking a lot about this word lately. That first definition pretty much is a nutshell of my life. "the absence of fences". If I were a song writer, I think I would write a song with this title:)
    We went and saw WALL-E the other night and it confirmed what I feel about this technological world and where we could be headed. I can't tell you how much texting bugs me. Yes, I text..yes I spend endless hours on the internet...and yes I love my cell phone...but there is etiquette and limitations that we need to be conscious of or we are going to completely lose human contact and REAL emotions that aren't simplified into words through ichat or texting.
1. close or warm friendship
2. (often pl) intimate words or acts within a close relationship
So when you neglect your relationship at home...or just get stuck in the daily grind...I think that we go looking elsewhere for this close, warm relationship. No I am not talking about infidelity...more on the friendship side of things. I am becoming more conscious of where my intimacy is and how much energy I am putting into relationships. When I find myself not totally connected to Jake it is usually because I have found that intimacy in my friends temporarily. I am totally missing the intimacy of my family right now:( So the next time you feel like you are missing something in your life or you feel lonely...take a close look at where you are getting your intimacy. If it is all online and all your friends are now might have to make some trips out to visit them in person and get that real, human contact. I just think we are getting false sense of intimacy these days through technology and not enough of the real moments.... Just random chatter for the day....."Keep it Real"!


Elle J said...

Bingo!! Wall-E was an eye opener for me too. For all that you mentioned, plus it made me want to reach over and grab my hubby's hand. I thought, "Is this a wake up call that a cartoon love story puts a nudge on me to hold my hubby's hand?" Perhaps a sign we need to reconnect. We did text today instead of phoned. Ugh. Got it .. thanks for the post.

Anonymous said... said it so eloquently...I find even after 11 years of marriage, we can become strangers sharing a life, very quickly and easily if we don't make a conscious effort to connect on an intimate level. Love what you wrote!

ENDub said...

Deep thoughts, by Kathy Handy. I like it Kath. Good word.