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Friday, October 5, 2007

More Columbine

Well, I will be coming back and forth to this subject as I go through more of the pictures and do some soul searching. This is a shot of the memorial that they raised 1.5 million $ for. It is beautiful and it gives the school back to the kids and gives people a place to reflect and remember. I like the second one where there is a younger generation reading the quotes on the wall. They were as serious as could be coming into the memorial and they reflected like the rest of us.

And I love this picture of Heidi. Her husband sent me this e-mail the other night and I thought it was sweet and she thought I wouldn't blog it:)
Okay, here's classic Heidi. Portion of our conversation last night after she got done speaking to 100 or so volunteers at a TIP event.

Me, "So how'd your speech go?"
Heidi, "It went great."
"That's awesome honey."
"Yeah, I just decided that I wasn't going to act like the fraud I think I am."
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

If that doesn't sum up Mrs. Y I don't know what does. She's great - but apparently she's the only one who doesn't realize it. Sigh.
It's like every great person in this world...she'll never really know how many lives she has impacted with what she does because she is not doing it to be recognized. She is out there trying to raise awareness and tell the stories that matter. I was raised around guns my whole life and she has me looking at them in a whole new light. I know that there will never be a gun incident in my house with one of our guns because we took control of the situation and got rid of them. Thank you for opening our eyes Heidi, and for making a difference in this world!


Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

The memorial is beautiful. Thanks for sharing more of your journey.

Anonymous said...

hey teta kathy this doesnt really have anything to do with this story but it is the only way i thought would be easiest to get a hold of you. anyways i am in quite a delima i have to chose between bball my passion or xcountry skiing the sport with the cooler jacket (lol)and cooler people. what is your advice? what do you think would be the better choice (plus) great pics!!!!

love yah thanks for listening kk