Print Page Heaven's Eye Photography Blog: The ONE

Monday, April 9, 2007


When Jake and I moved to Texas years ago, it was the first time that I even had to make an effort to find friends. Growing up in a fairly small town with a HUGE family, I always had people around and the friends I did make went to school with me for 12 years. Sometimes I would meet a new friend through sports from another school, but it wasn't because I was on the search for one. So Jake and I moved to Texas with no friends in sight and I had a 6 month old little boy to boot, my first experience with lonliness settled in. By the end of the day in our one room apartment, watching Elmo in Grouchland multiple times, I was ready to meet SOMEONE to talk to. Well, my first friend was a stripper that worked down the street from the complex, that wasn't a fulfilling realationship. I started craving a real friendship so I would go to parks in search of someone who wanted to join my circle of friendship. Everytime I would come home from the search outings Jake would ask, "did you find The One?" The One being someone that I clicked with right off the bat, someone that you go over to their house and you can lay on their couch, get your own drink and feel like you are at home.
I tell this story because I am writing about one of the people in my life that I consider "The One". This "one" is Shannon Sewell and she is a huge part of my life. Our sarcastic sense of humors keeps each other on our toes. We talk multiple times a day about everything under the sun. She inspires me to be a better photographer. We share family values, I can put my feet up on her couch, our kids love each other....we have even hung out so much that we have morphed our names into "Shathy"! Hears to Shannon and all the things she adds to my life, to finding "The One", and to many years together as partners (in crime, life, whatever else people will think)! Thanks for being you, Shamone! K
I'll have to go bring her coffee this morning because she is never going to be able to get out of her door with the enlarged head that this entry will cause. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Man, make a girl cry ;) Thank you. Really. I don't think you will ever know the ways you have touched my life, my family's life. It has been/is an amazing journey :)

Lotsa love...

Patrice said...


That's so sweet!! I'm so happy for you! To find "The One" is a rare thing and to be able to have a friend like that is so special. You and Shannon bring out the best in each other and that's what "The One" is really about. Kudos Gals!!


Monica said...

That is awesome! Only someone who has found their own "the one" can fully relate...congrats to you both for finding each other

tj cameron said...

ahhh... you two are the perfect couple :)