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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Growing up too fast!

I hope more then kids are able to look back at pictures that I took of them together, to see how much they loved each other growing up. The day we brought Jalena home from the hospital, it was love at first site for Tré, and the same for both Tré and Jalena when we brought Jamie home. For all those people out there that question having another baby because they aren't sure they have enough love for another. I show you these pictures to tell you that there is more love then you could dream up coming from their siblings to make up for any of that nonsense-talk. These images are so precious to me and I know that they are growing up at a inconceivable rate.....I am going to miss this "unconditional love" stage. K

1 comment:

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

What a gift for them to have one day when they're all grown up...