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Monday, January 12, 2009

Twin Bliss

These little twins have a special place in my heart. I have photographed them once before and they were amazingly sweet. But, what I really love about them is that their Mom "gets me". The twins are sensitive to new surroundings and they like to warm up and get comfy before they agree to get photos taken;) I just love to sit back and watch Kristen interact and gaze at her babies. She is so in love and in awe of her two little loveys and I love to try and capture those special moments in the studio that they don't know are happening. Easier said then done in the studio with the strobes going off all the time. That's why I take hundreds so that they just think that they are at a disco and not bothered by the flashing lights:) Their smiles melt me and I am blessed that they let me see through that window of love. Thank you Kristen for believing in my talent and for brightening my soul with 'L' and 'N's beautiful smiles and laughs .


Shannon Sewell said...

this has to be one of my favorite shoots of yours in a while... that first one is adorable and those last three are to die for... absolutely love them.


Willow said...

those window ones are perfection, they touch on EXACTLY what you were talking about today. and that last one, i am in love! :)

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

i ditto with willow. that last one was just incredible....but then again, all of them are. really cool and different shoot. very fun, unexpected shots.

Amy said...

Twins Rule!!! Esp. the lil miracle ones that people try so hard to have!!! I love this shoot so much....beautiful work and I know K is sooo pleased with the images!