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Monday, November 17, 2008

Skank Diet

The Skank (Swank) Diet....
That's what my sister called it and we are thinking that it would be pretty funny to make up shirts that use that mindset....LOL! Wait until you see Shannon's shirt;) It's actually the Swank Diet and it is a very successful tool in dealing with MS and other AID (Auto Immune Deficiencies). There is much to be learned and my family has already begun the basics behind it and I will be getting my book this week for the more detailed version. This diet will be one of the major tools I will use to get my body back on track, less confused, and happy again:) My Mom will be relieved to know that he (Dr. Swank) acknowledges the ABC drugs in his writings...."The only statement by a drug house has been that on the drug, patients have experienced a 30 percent reduction in MS attacks. On the Swank Low-Fat Diet, when carefully followed, the exacerbations or attacks are reduced greatly." I know that there are a few of you that are following what I am doing on my path, and I would love to share as much as I can without making this the new MS journal. I hope more then anything, that I am able to pass on some inspiration for all of you out there that are waiting to start that healthier, more relaxed, less stressful lifestyle. Don't wait for a reason, and for God's sake listen to your body!!!! Take control of your own health, and lifestyle. It's never too late. He's one All American Girl telling you all to get off the fast-passed American lifestyle that is heading straight for a brick wall at mach3. Our bodies are trying to tell us to wake up, take time to smell the roses, and be a skank...bahaha;) Just be. What would a post be without a bunch of really cute pics.


Shannon Sewell said...

sorry... i couldn't help giggling through this post. i mean 'bout time the Original Skankster gets some respect! haha .. and the images are gorgeous (of course). can't believe how grown up everyone is getting :( never really see it until you see them in pictures..

have a lovely night my dear-

Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

LOL.. wow kathy.. yer pretty funny :] that diet sounds pretty legit.. a read the lil intro makes me wanna do it! i want time to smell the roses :D LOL..

Elle J said...

I enjoy seeing your photos ~ the location looks really cool and your kids are hip as always. Bravo to your info and take charge challenge.

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

What up Skank! Jamie looks like a mini Jake in the second to last image. xoxoxo

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

P.S. You're in my thoughts today. :)

wrecklessgirl said...

i originially thought it said "swank" as in..."swanky" or "hilary swank"...

...and then i saw shannon's comment.

Willow said...

omg i LOVE these! they make me want everything to be dirty :) who needs clean things when you can have settings like this with cute little ones making it pure perfection?

i love that you are going "alternative" on your journey, what do you have to lose? and so much to gain. you are a thinking woman and i would expect no less.