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Thursday, January 15, 2009


Here is a look into my ego and my heart...

Many times you have read on here about my photog. playdates. Well, this is one that I did with my friend, Amy Hall the other week. We went to check out a warehouse that her friend owns and she wanted to get some tips on photography. As I handed her my camera to take shots of me while I explained photo tips to her, I was reminded of a day that a woman did the same for me. I could hear the excitement in her voice and the fire in her eyes as she held my camera and it was hard to tell if it was her or a reflection of me. The woman that sparked that desire in me was Joyce. She handed me her camera and studio, gave me a couple quick instructions on how not to ruin the camera (one of the first digital) and threw me into the trenches. I was hooked ever since and I learned as fast as I could and networked as much as I could. I put a lot of ridiculous hours into every aspect of every choice I made in photography and it was a very personal journey. I realize that my passion is contagious and that is why I am going back to my roots of why I originally got into photography in the first place. When I watch people become "professional" photographers around me, there is a flare up of the ego. I feel like one of the good ol' boys I have talked about in the past. I feel my competitive edge coming on and I don't like the emotions attached to the thoughts going on in only my head. After a long, hard look at myself these last few months and especially after this shoot, I was forced once again to shed another layer of my ego and go to the root of the emotions. I am so excited for all those around me that find joy in pictures. I want every mother to be comfortable with their cameras so that they can take a properly exposed picture of those moments they never want to forget. It's never been about clients to me or the number at the end of the year (all the things that rate you as successful or not in the photog world). I have always been about the journey and spreading as much knowledge to any that ask. I don't want to let the competitave edge on the business side to take me over again. So this leads me to the much anticipated announcement of a class for anyone that just wants to hear about my journey, or pick my brain, or start a business for that matter. I will release details soon and I hope to make it more of a class series, rather then a workshop. I hope to continue inspiring others to take photos and teach them, as I always say "to take the emotion out of it, and get paid":) I look forward to many more playdates with all of my friends so that we can continue to inspire, and push each other to be the best we can be and to help each other on our very separate paths. Thank you Amy for making me feel beautiful since the day I met you. You have the gift to make others feel special and now you are going to rock their worlds by creating a picture to go with the emotions you instill.Man, did you ever help me feel sexy that day (even though it was 20 degrees in there)...just what the doc ordered:) To Amanda and Aaron....for coming onto my path in the most unintrusive, delicate way. You hang out with me any given day and flow with the family as if you have been in it forever. You continue to inspire me with your lives more than I could ever teach you.Thank you Cindy for the shirt that makes me smile everytime I look at it. You bring a smile to my heart that is engraved forever. And to the girl that continues to inspire me daily. I have been so blessed to be able to observe your path and jump on it every once in a while. I am so thankful for you in my life and all that you bring to it. Thanks Shamone.To all of my friends that I haven't mentioned because I didn't have pictures know who you are and I love you. Go out and inspire someone!


Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

wow! this is awesome! you are awesome! i'm so glad you decided to do this! and so privileged be apart of your journey :)

Anonymous said...

These words were exactly what I needed to hear. You ARE truly inspiring to many people around you.

You look AMAZING Kathy :) Much love, MM

Amy said...

Well, thanks for making me tear up! You are a sexy beast on the outside and inside! I will continue to pick your brain and call you my mentor no matter how much it makes you blush! Thanks for everything, not just photography! Let me know if you need anything, anytime. I got your back!

Shannon Sewell said...

first off, amazing images of you- gorgeous, strong, beautiful...

and B) i can't even tell you how often i tell the story of our first 'playdate' and how it started my journey into photography. i can't imagine where i would be without you and you are & will continue to be an amazing teacher, inspiration, mentor & friend to me & everyone else's lives you touch..


Unknown said...

Hi Kathy - I know, it has been too long since I've emailed or called...but I read your blog religiously and always find you to be such an inspiration in so many ways! These are great images of an even greater woman. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself - that in itself is inspiring! hb.

Willow said...

kathy--you are so cute, amy did a beautiful job on these images!

I am glad to be able to call you my friend! I love checking your blog and reading the thoughts and feelings you so freely share. if it weren't for reading your open book i dont think i would be sharing myself with the world on my own blog in the way that i do now.

i can't wait to see you soon and talk endlessly about anything and everything-i feel my cup is full but why not runneth over?? :)

Larry Chen, Ph(oto).D(ude). said...

Cool story. Thanks for sharing that.

Cindy Cieluch Photography said... I am on my birthday weekend vacation and suddenly feeling the urge to check your blog. Thank goodness I did. This is one of my favorite blog postings ever. Not only because I get to see how SMOKIN' hot/adorable you look in the "Kathy Shirt" I picked up in South Korea :) but your views, passion and goals in photography are what every photographer should remember and hold close to them. I know I've told you over & over, but I want to say it again --- YOU are the reason why I got back into photography. And obviously, I'm not the only one you've inspired. You are a beautiful person Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kathy! Gorgeous photo of you. Beautiful....sending some portrait business your way, hope all is great! Cheers!

ENDub said...

I just love ya Kath.

Anonymous said...

Great post Kathy! I feel like your words really reached out to me and I am so excited for this journey and for those who are also on a similar path. So much for me to learn but I am so excited to see where it takes me and the amazing people I'll get to spend time with/meet along the way! I hope that some day soon we can have a playdate! Let me know about your class! XO B

Anonymous said...

Girl you are gorgeous!!! How cool to be able to share your wealth of knowledge and be given the gift of these awesome photos at the same time!

Marjolaine Richards-Deviq said...

teach me tach me teach me..LOL..heu not really i really mean it..but LOL too..i LOVE those portraits of u .U are so f..*@#**@ beautifull!!

Andrea Hanks said...

I am going to become a blog stalker. Seriously, you are going to become one my links on my photogs that inspire me list. I only have one other one as of right now! You are gorgeous, and all of your pictures rock. WOW-I am inspired to keep on clickin' and hopefully down the road I can post some shots like that!