Print Page Heaven's Eye Photography Blog: DOG TALK

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Why was your dog brought into your life? What are the biggest lessons that you are learning or not learning;) Imagine me going into a bookstore and buying a book called, The Power of Now. Then imagine them handing me the book and a 90 pound puppy that comes as the free tool to practice the book. This is exactly what God did! She has brought so much into our lives...Love, living in the now, forgiveness, and patience. She continues to try our patience and tests our ability to stay stress free. She isn't easy by any means, but she is right where she is suppose to be, as if God himself left her bundles in a while sheet and dropped off on our porch with a sign around her neck that read..."Hi, name me what you would like, I am here to teach you a million lessons, but for now lets just be in this moment together:) Here she is below getting lots of love from the boys after her surgery to be spayed. It was my first experience with actually missing her being up my butt at all minutes of the day.
I love that she brings so much joy to most of our least the dog lovers. She is a bit over bearing for most (including me at times). I definitely missed her hanging out with me as I get ready in the morning. I have my girlfriend that will hang out with me as I go through the morning routine that can be a little lonely at times. And this is beautiful Penny, that came to visit. Keeta thought she was the coolest play toy and Penny learned how to be extremely assertive towards really annoying large breeds that don't know their own strength. I don't think Keeta has a clue that her paw upside the head feels like a brick coming down on a tiny dog such as this.
This was a brilliant idea of my cousin Lisa to show the two extremes. We actually had to feed them at different times so that Keeta would mistake Penny as part of her raw meal:)


Cody said...

I totally understand this post haha I was NEVER a dog person until we got "jackson" and now im 100% a dog lover they are just always there and love you and i cant imagine my life without them now! haha

Britt. said...

the little things - such as walking in the door after a long day and seein' your pup - possibly even a bird that you fancy on its feeder - or a squirrel you have named - all these things are what make us pause and remember to breathe.

the pause comes from that unconditional love that beams off your pup cause it hasn't seen you in minutes - hours - days .... the breathtaking beauty of raw creation when the bird starts to show off its feathers and sing - the joy a squirrel can bring watching it cleverly plot its next move to steal from the bird feeders - or trick you into paying for an endless, lifetime supply of nuts...

it's a whole nother language. one that can't be explained. you just feel it by feeling it.

when i started working with birds the first thing i realized is they could read me better than i could read myself. they taught me how to be aware of not only my surroundings - but my thoughts - my actions - my confidence ...things i couldn't learn from another person...

..ok...ya. i'm writing a book conclusion- squirrel!!...!!!!!!.....

.....good stuff. ha.

Jenny Jimenez said...

our pups have brought so much more love into our lives then I though was possible. i bury my face in their wet kisses every morning and rub their bellies till they fall asleep every night.

i picked up "the power of now" a few weeks ago but am having trouble reading it because i just want to put it down and BE. in time, i say.

is your studio in-house? those puppy shots are gorgeous. i see years of stock revenue for you in my crystal ball. great danes are bottomless wells of creative inspiration. xx jj

Lindsey Viersen said...

OMG I can totally relate to this Kathy...on so many levels not just the dog level. I adore the last picture of the 2 pups.

Perhaps now i am ready to sit down and get myself through The Power of Now...

Thanks for always keepin' it real!

Amy said...

Super cute......Keeta is da bomb! GD's are a blessing and such a great conversation that girl, she's got great gams! How's she holdin up with all the fireworks?

Jan French said...

I always love reading your posts about Keeta. My dog died in March and although I am SUCH a dog person, I just can't bring myself to get another dog yet. I'm waiting for that day. I know how much love and companionship they bring to one's family.

Lavenda Memory said...

I love this shot. Your dog on the left is sooo beautiful.

Rachel Brooke said...

Your puppy has grown so much! She is such a beautiful dog... I want one just like her. That last shot is so cute I keep staring at it. :)