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Sunday, August 31, 2008


Meet Lynn, my older sister by....oh, who needs numbers...she's just a little older than me;) She and her family have lived in Taipei, Taiwan for the last 10 years. I got to spend a lot of time with her this summer and her daughter, Kaiyuh who is all over the blog lately. I just wanted to share her new author pictures with everyone. No, she hasn't exactly written a book yet, but I will be the first to pick up a copy when she finally does. I have always looked up to both my sisters in huge ways, and that is still more true than ever to this day. It is always so much fun to go home and spend time with each of my brothers and sister's families separately. There is something way more intimate sending time in their homes rather then with the huge clan. It is like we are getting to know each other all over again because all the age gaps are now closing because we are all parents and we can relate to this crazy thing called life. Lynn and I got into a little tiff while we were staying at Mom and Dad's house. It was a total misunderstanding and not worth going into details about because we don't even know what we were giving each other the cold shoulder for....but we both knew how to fix it. I went out to the garage to test the waters about how mad she was at me, and how mad I was going to be at her. We looked at each other...paused...and she just said.."I love you, Kath". I said the same and we hugged....that's all it took to squash the pressure that was between us. I am always fascinated about families and how they function and we got into a discussion about it on ichat the other night. I love her outlook on life and she came up with a quote for me to ponder...she thinks the key to family is, "learning to not know them". "There is an advantage in families because there is the free gift of getting to know them as people." It makes total sense in that we don't always get the gift of knowing many of our friends as well as we would like sometimes. That free gift isn't assumed in firendships, it has to be earned. I could go on forever about Lynn, but all I really wanted to say about her is that I think she beautiful inside and out, and I love her. Thank you for a memorable summer that I am still pondering and spiritually growing from. Love, Fifi-Bug:)
I love this picture, but it also makes me a little sad that we didn't take one this summer with the trio if sisters. We got to spend time all together and that always makes me happy and the family feels complete. The boys always look forward to the "girls" coming home all together because it makes Dad happiest to have all "his girls" together.
Happiness is looking into the eyes of a sibling, feeling the love in your heart, and not being able to express it with anything but a smile:) My family is very instrumental in my life and I think about them more then they will ever know. I am blessed. I am happy. I am.
P.S. No spell or grammar-checking Lynn! It was too long of a post to is what it is and you get the point:)


ENDub said...

Holy smokes, she is beautiful! Lovely story as well Kath. I like learning about you through your posts, although, I should see your mug more, Neighbor! :) xo,e

Anonymous said...

I love your posts - always so full of emotion and truth. Keep posting - you're making a lot of people smile :)

Lynn Cornberg said...

Fifibug, you look about 4 years old in that last photo...just like I'll always remember--your face makes my happy juices flow in my frontal lobes. You keep me young and unpinch all my oldness. Forget the authorshot...I want to beat out Sarah Palin for Vice President now that I have a Kathy Carlisle photo of myself. I didn't even spell check or grammar check because I'm still staring at your art. I'm disappointed to see myself in person now. I haven't taken the blue sweater off since the evening in the midnight sun when you magically captured light. I love you and thanks for bringing so much light and love into my heart/mind,
Keep me unpinched,

Lynn Cornberg said...

Kath, I hope Jon Krakauer and Sean Penn read your blog. I hope I can write a book/life like Into the Wild with a luckier ending someday. Peddling my grocery shopper bike down the street in Taipei on Sunday I passed a straw road tripper's hat laying in the middle of the road. A scene in Penn's movie includes the lead character picking it up and heading off to an adventure. I stopped my little bike and went back for that hat with a huge curious smile about where I'd go with it. Of course it took me to finishing my errands...but like your photos and inspirations that little straw hat will travel me well.

p.s. now that I can type without it converting to chinese characters I'm totally psyched I can enter comments to your blog now;D

p.s.s I'm 44 Sunday!

Lynn Cornberg said...

wanted to add a photo of the adventure hat to my new blogging ventures!
big sister coming into big brother technology thanks to lil' sister.