Print Page Heaven's Eye Photography Blog: Too Many Gun Deaths

Friday, May 30, 2008

Too Many Gun Deaths

As many of you know I have been a part of an amazing journey with my dear friend Heidi Yewman. She is writing an incredible book I have spoken of before about gun deaths. You have to go check out her site. I know that this is a highly debated topic and this book isn't pro or anti gun. Heidi always likes to say that she is "anti-people dying from guns". We had the pleasure of interviewing a man that lost his son in the Columbine Masacre. His story was the first that Heidi ever told me about and in an instant I got a vision of a picture for the book. Although this isn't the image that we will probably be used in the book I still wanted to share it. This amazing man is a advocate against guns and he speaks on many occasions, sharing his loss with the world....all the while wearing his son's shoes that he was wearing when he was murdered. Intense, right? Well, this image for me is intense as well. His son's spirit is with him everytime he speaks and it was interesting how there is a reflection behind him.....Hearing just one of these stories is going to change the way you view guns and I thank the 19 brave people that have shared a glimpse into their painfully shattered lives to bring awareness to the rest of us. There loved one's spirits live on and these stories matter...we will never forget.....
Just a quick poem that came to me as I was working on these photos.....
If Shoes could talk...
I'm proud of every step that you've taken in my shoes. I thank you for continuing my journey that was laid out before me. No one else could wear the heaviness of these shoes. I admire your strength, courage and determination. Your shoes always seemed so large to fill, but look, we're exactly the same size now.


Shannon Sewell said...

amazing image. what a statement... i am so in awe of you guys doing this project. i can only imagine how emotionally hard it is. so important though... beautiful.


Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

wow kathy. what a deep and insightful image. i'm so proud of you for taking on such a complicated, yet critical project. her book and your photos are going to influence minds and lives.