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Friday, October 19, 2007

Making a difference...

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." William James
"Most people are like you and me, or a person across the street or around the world from you and me, their hearts tell them that somewhere, somehow they can make a positive difference in the world." William Baker
The other night Jake and I were having a deep talk and it started from me feeling like I am going to make a difference. O.K. so I watched Freedom Writers and it got me thinking about what I am doing with my life. I am so blessed, I am so fulfilled, and yet it feels like there is something I am being groomed for? I have never felt like this before and the thoughts are nowhere near complete. I know I make a difference to an extent with my photography now, but I think there is a bigger picture. I feel like there is already a road that I am suppose to be following, I just haven't opened my eyes to the whole picture yet. I don't know if it is necessarily photography that I am going to make the "difference" or if it is Jake making the difference with me by his side, or maybe my kids for that matter. I know it all sounds a little cliché, but I can't totally describe the feeling that I had. I just need to keep an opened mind and a open heart. After we had this compelling talk, I read through a quote book that a friend gave me and two quotes above were the ones that I flipped to....coincidence, I think not! I decided to throw in a couple pictures that signify the 'difference' in my life. My Heaven's Eye bead made a huge difference in my life. And we all know that just putting these amazing kids on this earth could make all the difference in the world:) But the real difference...the not featured here, but we all Jake. He has sparked the desire in me to be a better person and we believe in each other so passionately. He was the one who has paved a safe path for me to believe in myself, to take risks, and to live life, not fear it. So here's to making a difference...whether big or small and always dreaming bigger.


Anonymous said...

freedom writters is the BEST movie ever!!!!!! also i am very compelled(i dont know if this is how you spell compelled o well hehehe) by your story :)

love you lots teta kk

Janice said...

you are a better person than most. so many of us (including me) have a hard time living each day and trying to keep a positive attitude, let alone trying to make a difference. good for you even thinking about this stuff.

(this is coming from a girl who's mother marched on Washington at the I Have a Dream speech - talk about pressure!!)


Anonymous said...

Your sure you weren't watching Moulin Rouge again :>) I've been having that feeling as well for some time now. I'm not sure what it is but someday I will find who I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to do :>) Maybe it will be answered when our little lady comes to say hi :)
You are seriously an inspiration my friend :) (just realized I threw down 3 smiley faces) WOW!!! haha

The Memory Journalists said...

Hi Kathy,
Oh my gosh, I so relate to this post. Which is why maybe I felt such a connection with you when we met! I felt every word you wrote. I can't wait to see the differences we make!