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Friday, September 28, 2007

Body Language

You don't have to be a genius to see that my niece "E" isn't a big fan of her new spectacles (as Jalena calls them). Her body language totally changed when I asked her to put on her glasses for a shot or two. I thought I could convince her how cute she looked in them if she saw a picture of herself being all sassy in them. Well, I got sassy from her, but I don't think the pictures scream happiness with the new adjustment in life. I think she may just see how unhappy she is about wearing them...I tried:(
Now she is happy, sitting on her Dad's car that she never gets to do.


Janice said...

she is a cute one!! the glasses are actually very stylish and cute on her...


Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

she'll like glasses once she's old like me. when i was in 5th grade, i conveniently left my spectacles in a cabin where we had been camping! p.s. your comment made my year! :)

Anonymous said...

The color coordination could not be cooler in these photos.

Tell "E" that glasses rule! and she should rock them all day long.

Also, if you could just pack up that car and air mail it here to Seattle that would be awesome. Love the texture of the paint.