Print Page Heaven's Eye Photography Blog: All because of these TWO!

Monday, July 23, 2007

All because of these TWO!

I don't know any other duo in this world that has accomplished as much as my parents. They make super heroes look silly in my eyes. My Dad has a successful business that my brother runs. My mom makes Martha Stewart, Betty Crocker, and Suzie Home-Maker look like slackers! But those are tiny accomplishments when you look at what they have created together as the most powerful force I know. They have 7 kids...19 grandkids...and unconditional love for every single one of us! I dream of accomplishing half of what they have crammed into a lifetime and look up to them each day of my life. Below, are all the beautifully, healthy grandkids that are going to continue this empire of Hajdukovich's! I could go on and on about each and every one of them for days, they are all so incredible.

These pics were all taken out at my parent's cabin that is the most amazing place on earth and it's all because once you are out there, there's nothing more important then family. Just imagine not having a care in the world, except how much you love your family...and how are we going to feed 40 mouths every meal?

This was a version of Deal or No Deal that my sister-in-law impressively put together for my nephew and it was a blast to watch. He ended up winning the largest amount and it was a riot to watch.
This was my favorite night of the summer! It started out with a friendly game of Kick the Can (everyone with cuts and scrapes) and ended up with an Ipod-off (with dancing on trucks) and Mohitos all around. I was torn the whole vacation on whether to just take in each and every moment, site, sounds and smells.....or, grab my camera and take a picture. I know better that I will probably not remember anything unless there is documentation of the memory, so as expected, I grabbed my camera!
I have been stewing over what to write about my family for days because there are so many emotions behind the whole subject. I am so thankful for what I have and feel like I must have hit the lottery when I was born into my family. When I went up to Fairbanks, I was yearning to have deep conversations and quality time spent with each sibling, niece and nephew. I went up with so many loaded concerns on my plate about the stage of life we are all in, my Dad's questionable health and pressures of the family business on my brothers. You know what, when I left....none of them seemed so important anymore. My family is always the perfect balance of laughter, love, and acceptance that you just want to be in the moment when you are around everyone. I still have all my deep thoughts on my family, but more importantly, I am just thankful for what we have and it's all because of these two amazing people below....Thank you Mom and Dad for all the memories and the desire to live a life full of nothing but love and laughter. The rest of the stuff in life are just little details that you can get through as long as you are together. I love you both so much and most days I just wish we were closer to you!


Shyla said...

THIS is my dream :)

Anonymous said...

Man... you made me cry :( Just to be able to see the family behind all the great stories. I just cannot comprehend a family that big, but more the amazingness (not a word??) of your support, love and fun together. Absolutely awesome. I cannot wait for the day that I get to meet them all. More importantly, I have to be up there to catch those pictures that seem to be missing... iPod-off? I seem to remember a story involving knee-highs and a truck? ;)

Anonymous said...

I really must stop reading this at work, now I'm crying :-) You are so good at putting into words what the important things in life are all about. Thanks for sharing **Monica**

Anonymous said...

Love the kick the can shot...Lynn's toe is still injured but Bob's sand burn is healing nicely...I know I beat Jimmy to the can, not that he'll ever admit it...

Love, T